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I think i found a little bug. In "Analogies" the canvas to fill with the answer has the writing "Enter your name". That might be a little confusing.

Overall pretty fun game!




my first time playing


Amazing game, I would like real time multiplayer because that could be fun.

That could be fun! It would take significant reprogramming though


fun but hard :)

Thank you for playing :)





Thank you for playing!


this gave very coooooooooooooool

Thank you!


i love da game make more fun games plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thank you for the inspiration :)

(1 edit) (+1)

anything for a good creator


Pretty addictive game, really good idea. Lack of knowledge from my part, but still it was very fun to play! I don't know how many questions does it have, but I noticed a lot of categories and a lot of questions in the hour I spent playing, so great work! (Also made a video about it) 


Fun little concept, addictive too!


Nice game! I like the different puzzle styles, it;s pretty fun.


Cool game! You must have learned a lot to make this. It's cool seeing the commits on git as well :) I only scored 1, haha